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The Mystery of Havana Syndrome

by Bradley Hope /
Our newest project is a global hunt for answers about Havana Syndrome, a mysterious affliction affecting spies and diplomats on every continent except Antarctica. People have genuine physical symptoms and most victims recall hearing a mysterious grating sound at some point before they were affected. This one has the US

Is this the Year Jho is Arrested?

by Bradley Hope /
It's been a remarkable five years on the run for Low Taek Jho, a.k.a. Jho Low, one of the world's most infamous fraudsters. He went from one of the biggest spenders and patron of celebrities to an anonymous silhouette, playing his phones like a

Fat Leonard Publication Day

by Tom Wright /
We're hearing that Venezuela will soon extradite Leonard Francis, aka Fat Leonard, the fugitive Navy contractor, back to the U.S. to face sentencing for his role in a crazy sex-for-contracts bribery scandal. Ahead of that development, today we're publishing a book, Fat Leonard: The Man

Whale Hunting Merch

by Bradley Hope /
We are so grateful to all our subscribers and we have huge things planned for 2023. Please stick with us as we move into a higher gear across all of Project Brazen – more projects, better content and hopefully increased opportunities to interact with all of you As a holiday bonus,

We Want to Hear from You

by Bradley Hope /
Over at Project Brazen, we're always growing and trying new things, but nothing matters more to us than serving you, our audience / collaborators / friends by providing you with the kind of insights and content you're interested in. For our favorite 10 submissions over the next two

A Yacht with a View

by Bradley Hope /
By Alex Finley All those reports about alleged slavery and deaths among men building stadiums to prepare for the Men’s FIFA World Cup in Qatar got you down? Angry and unnerved by Qatari officials moving against LGBTQ individuals just weeks before the launch of the tournament? Upset that the