
17 posts

The Spy Who Loved Meat

by Xenia Rakovshik /
Welcome to Whale Hunting, a weekly newsletter and podcast delving into the hidden worlds of wealth and power from the team at Project Brazen. For more of Project Brazen's work – including the Tribeca-selected podcast Spy Valley, and Fur & Loathing, the bizarre story of an unsolved US chemical

CRAFT: Deciphering the FSB

by Soobin Kim /
In this edition of CRAFT, Kevin Riehle tells us about his decades-long career in counterintelligence, a former supervisor who turned out to be a Russian mole, which country received the most Soviet defectors and more.

The Agony of the Superyacht Crew Member

by Bradley Hope /
“Should we be resigning from all Russian yachts?” This question was posed by an anonymous participant in an Instagram Q&A hosted in March by Nautilus International, a union for mariners, as the United Kingdom, European Union, and United States began sanctioning Russian oligarchs and setting out to freeze