We Want to Hear from You

Over at Project Brazen, we're always growing and trying new things, but nothing matters more to us than serving you, our audience / collaborators / friends by providing you with the kind of insights and content you're interested in.

For our favorite 10 submissions over the next two weeks, we will be sending a special reward – either a newly designed Whale Hunting t-shirt or a bottle of the perfume we created for Corinna and the King (The Hunt).

Thank you for sticking with us and please help us grow in the right direction. We have a ton of exciting projects coming out in the next few months, but we want to do even more.

-- Bradley and Tom


We're also open to ideas for projects from fellow journalists and creators. You can just email us directly with those here.

Don't miss out on Corinna and the King, the unbelievable dark love story that reveals the corruption and greed inside the Spanish royal family.

Visit the website here or listen directly via Apple Podcasts or Spotify

This is the 70th edition of WHALE HUNTING, a newsletter delving into the secret worlds of money and power that we became obsessed with during our multi-year investigation into the globe-sprawling 1MDB scandal. That project changed our entire worldview. We wrote a book about it. We were long-time reporters for the Wall Street Journal before setting off on our own last year to create Project Brazen, a journalism studio and production company. We're creating books, podcasts and documentaries, and we'll share behind-the-scenes insights into the characters and stories we find along the way.

Get in touch with us: whalehunting@projectbrazen.com

You can also follow Whale Hunting on Twitter and Project Brazen on Instagram.

Join our Discord server to chat about Whale Hunting scoops, get behind-the-scenes insight into projects like Fat Leonard and join the hunt for Jho Low – we'll post clues as they come to us.

If you like what we're doing, please consider changing your subscription to a paid one. Your donations help us spend more time on the newsletter.

Check out Project Brazen's other newsletters: GATEWAY, about the European drug explosion, and THE BRUSH PASS, delving into the shadows of the espionage world