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Brazen Weekender

by Megan Dean /
Hello and welcome to the latest edition of Brazen Weekender, the newsletter where I share top picks from what the team has been watching, reading and listening to this week. I'm Megan, a producer at Project Brazen, and today I've got some fascinating stories to share

Brazen Weekender

by Megan Dean /
Hello and welcome to the latest edition of Brazen Weekender! I'm Megan, a producer at Project Brazen, and this is the newsletter where I share top picks from what the team has been watching, reading and listening to this week. Today I've got a bunch of

Navalny and Black Cube

by Bradley Hope /
The deeply sad and dark news of Alexei Navalny's death at a Russian prison in the arctic made me remember my own run-in (alongside my former WSJ colleague Jacquie McNish) with Navalny via the private intelligence firm Black Cube.

Brazen Weekender

by Megan Dean /
Hello and welcome to the latest edition of Brazen Weekender! I'm Megan, a producer at Project Brazen, and this is the newsletter where I share top picks from what the team has been watching, reading and listening to this week. We've got a weird and wonderful

Brazen Weekender

by Megan Dean /
Hi, I'm Megan, producer at Project Brazen, and you're reading the latest edition of Brazen Weekender. This is the newsletter where I share what the team has been reading, watching and listening to this week, from great TV to gripping journalism. Today, I've got

Brazen Weekender

by Megan Dean /
Hello and welcome to the latest edition of Brazen Weekender. I'm Megan, producer at Project Brazen, and this is the newsletter where I share what the team has been reading, watching and listening to this week. Today, I've got a gripping sports documentary to share, stories

Our Enemies Will Vanish

by Tom Wright /
After spending decades covering wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, our old friend Yaroslav Trofimov, in 2022, found himself reporting on a bloody conflict in the nation where he'd grown up: Ukraine. In this week's Whale Hunting podcast I talk to Yaro, one of the world'